Notice: Special Chance Exam_Revised List/Schedule

Notice: Special Chance Exam_Revised List/Schedule

Revised Eligible Students List (Science and Technology):

Eligible Students List_BE-Arch-BCA_SCE-2080

Eligible Students List_Master_ST_SCE-2080

Revised Eligible Students List (Management):



Eligible Student List_MCIS

Revised Eligible Students List (Health Science):

Eligible Student List_Bachelor_Health Science

Eligible Student List_Master_Health Science

Revised Eligible Students List (Humanities):

Eligible Student List_Bachelor_Humanities

Eligible Student List_M. Phil_Master_Humanities (Revised)

Revised Special Chance Exam Schedule (Science and Technology):

Exam_Schedule_Special Chance Exam-2080_BE-Arch-BCA

Exam_Schedule_Special Chance Exam-2080_Science_Tech_Master

Revised Special Chance Exam Schedule (Management):

Exam Schedule-Mgmt-Bachelors

Exam Schedule-Mgmt-Master

Revised Special Chance Exam Schedule (Humanities_Health Science):

Schedule_Bachelors_Humanities_Health Science

Schedule_Masters_Humanities_Health Sciences

Note: If you have any queries, please contact Office of the Controller of Examination at regular office hours.